..3000 years history..


city of waters

... ancient-byzantine-industrial history.........
  Pella - Macedonia - Hellas
  Edessa 3000 years of history & culture
Alexander the Macedonian
The name Edessa is related to the ancient Phrygian and means tower in the water or town on the water. In 814 BC Heraklides "Karanos" makes it the first kingdom of Macedonians and the fate of the city is identified with the history of Macedonia. Ancient, byzantine but also industrial finds, testify the town's history. Romans, Slavs, Ottomen as well as occasionals pass from its history.

On 18th October 1912 the town was liberated and incorporated to the Hellenic State as capital of the prefecture of Pella. In 1923 it is supported by Greeks-refuges from Asia and only after the '50s - '60s when the "white coal" (=water) becomes useless which for centuries had moved mills, workshops, industries and factories. This was the end of the indrustry and industrial history of the city. Many people of  'culture' have their name connected with the town.  

Edessa .... city with 3000 years history

 Stages in the history of Edessa

Prehistorical times 4000-3000 BC

In the area of "Loggos" and "Paradisos" they have discovered archelological finds 

Historical times

The settling of the Macedonians -Hellenic civilization -  the use of the name Edessa (derived from Fed- which is also a lingual type of hyd-(issa) which is derived from the word hydor(=water) and means watertown. the town of waters. Edessa becomes the capital city of Macedonian State.

Ancient times

Edessa is built on two levels - The Acropolis (the persent place) and the main town (place "Loggos")

168 - 130 BC

The conquest by the Romans - The via Egnatia passes through Edessa

27 BC - 249 AC

There is a mint in the town

The first Cristian Period

The dissemination of Cristianity begins after the journeys in Macedonia of Apostle Paul

4th cent AC

The establishing of the Edessian Episcopate which is part of the Metropolis of Thessaloniki. Both areas are part of the Roman Pope's authority.

end 4th cent AC

Edessa belongs to the region of 'Macedonia the first' as part of the eastern Roman Empire (afterwards the byzantine empire)


The first well-known bishop Isidoros of Edessa takes part in the ecumenical synod and signs as the bishop of the town of Edessa


The emperor Leon III Isavros detaches the area from church's authority belonging to the Pope of Rome


Edessa is mentioned in the writings of Constantinos VII as an area of the byzantine empire


The bulgarian occupies Edessa and it becomes the seat of his temporary state and the bulgarian residence.

10th cent

The beginning of the use, name "Vodena" instead of Edessa (Slavic word for water=voda which means watertown. the town of waters


The emperor Vasilios II "the bulgar stayer" liberates Edessa and set ups byzantine garissons in the town while he sends the bulgarians to exil


The town recaptured by the bulgarians but the emperor Vasilios II campaigns and sets up new garissons 


The episcopate of Ochrid is established to which Edessa is part of


After the 4th crusade Edessa was part of the Latin Kingdom of Thessaloniki under Bonifate ole Monferance


Theodorus of Ipirus liberates Edessa from crusaders and the town at this time is part of the domain of Ipirus


The establishing of the Vodena domain with the Theodorus if Ipirus


Edessa was corporated to the empire of Nikea later under the after emperor Michael VII Paleologos


During the civil war between the emperors Edessa is taken over by Ioannis Katakouzinos VI who became later emperor


Edessa was besieged by the Serbs under Stefan Dusan. The byzantine generals Thomas and Andronikos Paleologos raise the siege


The serbs of Dusan succed in occupying the town. In the end Dusan gives the town over to the emperor Katakouzinos


The occupation of Edessa by the Serbs


Temperaly recapture of the town by the byzantines


The town's occupation by the Serbs. The city walls and many public and private buildings are being destroyed. The citizens are enslaved. The town begins to be built at the present place


The town is occupied by the Ottomans


A completely destruction of the town by a powerful earthquake


Monks who were educators start the first schools


The upgrading of the Episcopate of Edessa and becomes Metropolis


The first secondary school named "Hellinomuseon" is established


The metropolitan bishop Meletius together with many citizens of Edessa takes part in the revolution of Lefkadian "Louizi" against the second Russian-Turkish war. 


Many inhabitannts of Edessa take actively part in the revolution of 1821 (Naum, Gatsos, Trupkos etc)


The first hospital opens by the "Fraternity of Youths"


A 'Boys' school was open


The "Educational society of Vodena(Edessa)" was set up and the "Maiden School" was built for the young girls in Edessa


A memorial of  Edessa inhabitants was sent to the conference in Constantinople where they declare their willingness to fight for the rights of Hellenism.
1891 The first regulation for the local "Hellenic Orthodox community of Vodena(Edessa)" was written


Edessa is connected by railway with Monastiri(Bitola-FYROM)


The first textile factory was founded. The driving force, the power, is the "White Coal"(=water). The begining of an industrial development in Edessa.


The mosque "Geni Tzami" and the clock of the city was built


The inhabitants of Edessa take part in the Macedonian fight for the liberation of Macedonia and its incorporation to Hellas
1907 The textile factory "KATO ESTIA" at "Loggos" district was founded


Edessa was liberated from the Turks


The first Hellene Mayor is appointed and parliamentary ellections were accomplished. Edessa ellects debuty at the Hellenic Parliament.
1921 After the first excavations from Proffessor Evstratios Pelekidis, the site of Ancient Edessa was showed


The gymnasium "Perikalles" is founded and the Culture Assosiation "Alexander the Great" is established.


A conflagration and floods destroys a large part of the town
1936 The first Edessian was take part at Olympic Games in Berlin. Was named Dimitrios Jakas.


A great industrial growth. Edessa is called "Manchester of the East" (12000 inhabitants - 2500 industrial workers)


The town is occupied by the Germans(Nazi). They destroy a big part of the traditional quarter "Varosi", the boys school and many other buildings


The civil war

Decades '50-'60

The end of industrial growth - Immigration
1962-1968 The waterfalls area is menaced by the public electricity service. The citizens of Edessa stand out with unexpected for the age ecological assertions.

Decades   '70-'80-'90

Town planning. Touristic - Cultural - Athletic - and intellectual development.


The town hall was founded


The population of the city is 17.128 inhabitants

The facts are from Constantinos Stalidis - Writer

  Watch the 3000 years history of the city through its monuments
Edessa - Ancient Town Ancient Edessa at "Loggos" district

Edessa - Byzantine Monuments

Byzantine monuments - The church of Virgin Mary
Edessa - Halls of Art "Maiden School" (1875) - Nowadays hallw of arts
Edessa-"Geni Tzami" The mosque "Geni Tzami". From Ottomans period.
Edessa - Monastery The monastery of "Agia Triada"
Edessa - mills Open Air Water Museum - A tour to industrial history of the city

The clock of the city and behind the building of Cultural Association "Alexander the Great"

  Travellers they passed from Edessa
1668 Evliya Tselempi
1806 W.Leake 1820 Cousinery E.M.
1842 A.Boue 1859 M.Delacoulonche
1890 V.Berard 1900 M.Paillares
1904 Tsorbatzoglou 1904 Paul Lindenberg
  Edessa ... city of waters
Edessa is a beautiful city of Makedonia situated in a corner of Hellenic land. VISIT IT - ITs WORTH IT