..byzantine monuments...

... byzantine history
  Byzantine church St.Peter & St.Paul

A second Byzantine church at the historic quarter Varosi. Opens on 29th June. Guided tours only externally.

In the Byzantine times between the cities-castle that distinguished for the place and their faculty it is also the Edessa "the Goddess castle of Vodena". By the multiple destructions only two monuments are saved by the Byzantine times, the temple of Old Metropolis and the temple of Petros and Pavlos. 


The temple of Petros and Pavlos is rescued today in the district Varosi. The layout of temple, the murals, (1370-1385) and the three kions are more considerably cell that it should you see. 


In the old days it constituted private chapel of family of baron Fon Economou. As referred before he was department of big Byzantine temple. Elements of temple testify its manufacture in the old Christian times and Byzantine times.




R.Palanta (1992) Edessa city of waters. Kastaniotis. Edessa




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