Supporting Call
for Papers
Dates and Deadlines
Opening abstract submission:
Abstract submission deadline:
Notification to authors:
Abstracts must be original and must
not be or have been published or presented at any other meeting prior to
the ...............
Abstracts must be submitted using
exclusively the on-line system of this web page (
Abstracts submitted via fax or any other means will not be accepted.
Official languages: Mainly English &
........... languages.
The presenting author is required to
ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract
before submission to the Secretariat.
Abstracts must be received by the
announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be
After your abstract is submitted
further changes will not be accepted.
Before you begin, please prepare
the following information:
Presenting author's contact details
· Email address
· Full postal address
· Phone (s) number(s)
Author and co-authors' details
· Full first and family name(s).
· Affiliation details: department,
institution, city, state (if relevant), country
Abstract title - Limited to 20 words
Abstract text:
- Text should not exceed 300
words, including acknowledgements
- Figures, graphs, images, tables
and diagrams should not be included
Abstracts should clearly state:
· Background and objectives
· Methods
· Results
· Conclusions
All abstracts will be reviewed by
the Scientific Committee, which may make comments or recommendations on
your abstract.
However, the final decision lies
upon the Scientific Committee.
Authors will be notified by email no
later than ..................., whether their abstract has been accepted
or rejected.
Presenting authors of abstracts must
be registered participants.
Completed registration must be
received by the Secretariat by .......................... to ensure your
abstract is included in the meeting publication and in order to be
scheduled for presentation. Your registration will only be confirmed if
you have completed payment.
We strongly recommend registering
before................ in order to take advantage of the early registration
The presenter will have ...... minutes
for presentation. At the end of the session there will be ....... minutes for
general discussion and Q&A.
Submission of an abstract
acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in the
official meeting publication.
The Congress/Conference abstracts will be published
after the congress in the Proceeding hard copy/digitalbook of the
..................... .
Click here to
begin your online abstract submission. (closed)
Once you have sent your abstract via
web, you should receive a formal confirmation by e-mail. For any
further information related to abstract submission please, contact the
Technical Secretariat by e-mail: ...................................
You are welcome
to Edessa.